Try entry level road bikes first

Cycling is going through a huge surge in popularity right now. British cyclists are more successful at the Olympics and on the pro tour circuit than ever before, which is giving the sport a much higher profile. Petrol prices continue to rocket, while traffic jams only seem to get worse. It makes perfect sense to get the bike out instead and get a bit fitter in the process.
Road bikes are incredible machines. They’re extremely lightweight, making them the perfect way to get around the city or out on longer training rides. It’s this versatility that makes them incredibly appealing. New cyclists can get a bit carried away though, especially those middle-aged men in lycra.
It’s all too easy to go out and spend thousands of pounds on a road bike. Is this absolutely necessary? Some buyers lose sight of what they went in for and how much they are really going to use their new purchase. Yes, it’s nice to have a top-of-the-range bike, but they don’t come cheap and for most people, it just doesn’t make sense to spend that much money.
For new cyclists it’s best to start with cheap road bikes. They can pick out a good entry-level bike to see how they get on. If they really take to cycling and start to get more serious about it, that’s the time to upgrade to something more expensive and sophisticated. So it’s time to get started. Enjoy, but don’t too carry away. Not yet anyway!
