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3 Accessories You Need this Winter

With each new season, there are new opportunities and challenges for fashion. Not only do have the change in temperature to contend with but there’s also a change in lighting and a change in atmosphere. All this combines to impact what you should be wearing:

The Obvious

There are various obvious things that you should be wearing in the colder months, and much of this serves primarily to keep you warm. However, these items can be stylish too, ear muffs are popular this season, as are chunky knits, which are absolutely born for the winter.

Larger Earrings
You might not immediately think of larger earrings when you’re thinking of accessories. However, they work perfectly well in colder months. There are lots of reasons for this, they go very well with high-necked sweaters, they help to reflect minimal light and they can add a splash of color and glamour to any outfit, fur coat and all.


Handbags are very practical items all year round, however, they can really come into their own in winter. You obviously need somewhere to put those other winter accessories, muffs or gloves etc, and a quality handbag is great for this. Obviously, you’re looking for a decent bag, such as Bullagi handbags.

Whether it’s that Bullagi handbag you’ve always wanted, or a nice pair of high-impact ear adornments, make sure you’re well-kitted out this winter.

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